hey guys. Im gonna start blogging again. hahaha.
i wanna scan a few pictures (Yes, scan. Im using film) tapi the freaking scanner is on riot. Three-in-one lah, apa lah. hahaha, it still freakin sucks. :P
Well, my dad is still at KL, and im in form 5 now. Which sucks cock, pasal the 'o's are just around the bloody corner. Not to forget all the blood-thirsty teachers breathing down your neck like a bunch of cunts. hmmm.
My cousin just got married, sooo all the jamputan abis sudah. hahaha. macam macam mesti di buat tu, menjaga PA system lah, pakai ipin basar untuk menyambut tetamu lagi. hahaha. menyusahkan. And AGAIN! my scanner is on the fritz sooo, no photos now. :P
I've been uploading songs and videos into my iPod lately. My iPod seems to be the only good electronic friend to me. the PC lag, scanner buruk, and remote air-con elang. ;D
AND not to forget my lifeline to civilization, which is my wrecked up phone, dont worry baby. me masih setia. HAHAHA.
I'm gonna post a few pictures from my phone masa Korban. I was handleing the ribs. (Y)

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