Wednesday, 8 October 2008

dotA 6.55!

Alriiight, I know not all of you readers are into dotA.
But i like dotA. hahaha.

To all the dotA maniacs. 6.55 is out!!
there's no AI map yet, but the 6.55 rocks!!

New heroes:

Alleria - windrunner

Captain coco - Admiral Proudmoore

New Items:

Photobucket Magic stick: A simple wand used to channel magic energies, it is favored by apprentice wizards and great warlocks alike. Gives 12 health and 12 mana when used for each charge on it. Collects charges (up to 12) when nearby spells are cast.

Photobucket Dust of appearence: Off to never never land. Reveals enemy invisible units in an area around the Hero. Does not stack in your inventory. Contains 2 Charges. Lasts 12 seconds.

Photobucket Phase boots: Requires:Boots of SpeedBlades of AttackChainmail
Gives: +70 Movement Speed +16 Damage +7 Armor Phase (Active)
(totally wicked! phase: 10% MS boost speed and the ability to move through other units (similar to Spectre’s phase dagger, i.e. 0 collision size) for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Mana cost: 0)

Photobucket Glyph of Fortification: Gives a massive armor bonus to all your structures for 4 seconds.

Phase boots with Sven, Axe, enchantress, ursa, rigwarl, davion, bradwarden, balanar. or any other hero who can chase. hahaha. GG!!

oh, and another thing. When you pawn roshan, you get aegis right?? but now, aegis is timed and respawns at place of death. soooo, skeleton king + Aegis = Double resurecction!!
the only flaw is that, when you destroy a tower, you gain around +500 gold, BUT if the creeps desrtoy it, you and your teammates gain +600 - +900 gold. soooo, it sucks. ahahah

The loading skin totally rocks!

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