Thursday, 4 December 2008
Gadoong tadi.
im bacckk!
weellll, alot has happenend since i last blogged. starters, i had a cool birthday party at this karoke club. HAHA. i have the photos but i wont upload it now, im using my neighbour's wireless. inda berpassword. HAHAHA. i'll take advantage and blog. xD. since you guys miss me soooo much. HAHA.
Secondly, there was a sunshine school graduation, i went for the sake off friends. its like a renunion, meet all my old school mates. i meet Izaah, Akmal, azwan, wafaaa and others. hahaha. malas kan name all. after the graduation, we had a gala night at asma hotel. EVERYBODY was there. i asked Daiy to come with. hahaha. i was likeee "daiy, come onnnn. dangani akuuu" HAHA. he was a good friend, jadi ia datang laah. AHAHA. daiiy, you gay bastard. :P
The gala night was cool. Not ALL of the teachers remembered me. ):
Yang paluinya, when daiy and me went up to pay for the pass to go in, i purposedly ask the teacher if ia kenal si daiy, HAHAHA. the funny thing is, daiy never actually went to sunshine. HHAHAH. the teaachers was like "uuh, naqib, which class were you in, i dont remember" HAHAH.
I accompanied Izaa to sing on stage, and we won the best male and female singer award. HAHA. they put on music, so that we would dance. nobody came up to dance, sooo i started it. i went up to the middle and did the SATURDAY NIGHT BOGGIE!! HAHAHA. we did the cha cha cha, or whatever its called. and danced our ass off. I had to go home early pulang, which sucked. HAHA. the renunion was fun.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Time Raya

Dorang la, memalui di rumah si lampuh. xD
soo, kami keluar, arah jalanraya, supaya si zul inda kana bom. haha, aku membom si amin diluar, he made me wait. hahaha. but theeen, i didnt have my lighter sooo i forgave him laa. eseeh. xD
When we went back in, kami kan jalan sudah, we thought zul's driver was gonna send us, rupanya IA yang bawa kereetaaa "seeetaiieeee" tu namanya. hahaha. tapi kami layan la, karang nada kereta kan jalan. lol. Okaayy, semua confident la masuk kereta, Zul turns on the engine, revs up a bit to make the engine hot, and changed to "reverse" and let go of the break, sekalinyaa "BRAAAK!". HAHAHAHA. TAIEE PALAAAT! see the photo.
Pandai si Syafiq posing atu aaah. xD
ooooooohh yeeeaaahhhh!!!
HAHAHA, atu namanya orang setahiii. xD but the unfair thing is that, inda kana bom. hahaha. if it was me, kana bom ku sudah. lapas atu, kami cabut the sideskirt, then brought the car without a sideskirt. HAHA. sebalah ada. bida wa. baik jua bumper inda apa apa. hahaha.
We went to rumah si Azmy. hahaha. gila baie wa rumahnya ah. macam istana buuuii! HAHAHA
banar nya si zul atu basar tu, ani ya damit di gambar ani. hahaha, pakan. xD when kami masuk, mama si azmy tagur me. HAHA. she said, " Eh, rambut mu atu. buleh kan tu di sekulah???" HAHAHA. I was like "........." hahaha. didnt know what to say. xD
Kami main guitar hero at azmy's room hahaa. I KICKED ASS (without the guitar) HAHAA.
after that, we went down to play pool, Dorang si syafiq and mughni played around with my camera. HAHA. soo, ada yang blurry laaah. xD
entah apa kah yang di gambarnya atu. hahaha. (: lapas anii, kami kerumah sii fiqaah. HAHAHA
ADA SURPRISE DISANA ATU! sii mughni and syafiq menagur. hahaha. i cant say it here, kana antam ku karang bro. xD
All of the photos were taken by my old fashion camera
People who came: Zulfaiz, Mughni, Syafiq, Azmi, GayMin and Me.
Friday, 17 October 2008
Rather good.
do you like weird small this dancing freakishly or singing out of tone songs??
well I DO!! hahaha
I saw this website on MTV and its totally wicked! HAHA
I dont know what makes you addicted to the videos, i bet its the freakish dancing. or small things screaming at you. ahahaha.
the link is at my gadgets. "rather good"
Wednesday, 15 October 2008
Wheen we hung out.
i was with my sister "mally" ia minta dangani laaa. well, dangani sungkaii. hahaha.
lama pulang sudaaah. tapi si jush majal kan minta post kan this post. hahaha
Before sungkai, I went to netland. I played dotA for awhile, then my sister called me up. suruh datang.
I thought it was gonna be me, mysister and her date. sxnya my sister bawa kawan kawannya. HAHA. kasiaan her date bayar. xP
Lapas atu, we went around mall, mall's boring as usual, we went to the arcade. main ddr sekajap. haha. lama sudah aku inda main baah. soooo, i played with my sister. yang lain inda pandaii, dorang cakap laa. lapas atu, we hung out arah kadai sii jush. we couldnt smoke there anymore. hahaha. handle tabuknya kana patahkn, cemana kan cigup. haha. soo, we sat around at her shop. the others we taking photos.
I saw a mannequin. yang untuk baju a. hahaha. it would turn me on, only if it had an upper body. hahaha. (;

Friday, 10 October 2008
Pikes Lane School
Pikes lanee, its the school that i went to when I was in UK. Maaaan, I miss that school. It was an International school, sooo instead of britains being there or in other words "orang putihs" HAHA, there we're indians and pakistanis. Do you guys know that, UK has the highest population of indians OUTSIDE of india?? HAHA. i got that out from "Russel peter".
sooo, they dont meet bruneian there everyday sooo they would call me and my sisters "ching cong china boy/girl" HAHA. i got bullied!
I dont actually mind thought, i was famous! HAHAHA. I scan my photo when i was taking my school photo. sooo here it is!

Wednesday, 8 October 2008
a semi-pro. i love those types. haha.
well i got one, isn't much. but I totally dig it! HAHA. YO! xP. Its a Minolta Dynax 2000i, I thinks. i've only held it once. hahaha.
I appreciate my dad giving it to me. He said it was an antique. hahha. well, it was i guess. He's had it since i was 4. soooo, its been with him for a long time. "I know you like photograpy and all, and I don't use this anymore, so why dont you have it" he said.
He took out a semi pro camera out off his bag. I thought it was a digital, but itwasnt. it uses Kodak. xP
he said i could put in a memory card in it. but i cant find the slot. hahaha. AND! the battery's dead. I dont actually know where to find that type of battery. its like 2 AA's attached together. hahaha.
anywayy, I like the camera, Thanks pa. appreciate it! (:

dotA 6.55!
But i like dotA. hahaha.
To all the dotA maniacs. 6.55 is out!!
there's no AI map yet, but the 6.55 rocks!!
New heroes:
Alleria - windrunner
Captain coco - Admiral Proudmoore
New Items:

Gives: +70 Movement Speed +16 Damage +7 Armor Phase (Active)
(totally wicked! phase: 10% MS boost speed and the ability to move through other units (similar to Spectre’s phase dagger, i.e. 0 collision size) for 5 seconds. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Mana cost: 0)

Phase boots with Sven, Axe, enchantress, ursa, rigwarl, davion, bradwarden, balanar. or any other hero who can chase. hahaha. GG!!
oh, and another thing. When you pawn roshan, you get aegis right?? but now, aegis is timed and respawns at place of death. soooo, skeleton king + Aegis = Double resurecction!!
the only flaw is that, when you destroy a tower, you gain around +500 gold, BUT if the creeps desrtoy it, you and your teammates gain +600 - +900 gold. soooo, it sucks. ahahah
The loading skin totally rocks!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Yesterday, when I got back from school, I went straight to bed. I was god damn TIRED!!
I didnt notice that I was asleep until from 1pm - 10.45pm. hahah.
do you guys know the feeling when you wake up? I mean you would feel more tired when you wake up. I had that. I was tired but i can't sleep. It was IRRATATING!!
I had red eyes and a flu too add with!
I actually slept around 5, so i couldn't actually wake up for school. haha. I missed computer class. eseeh. (:
I woke up at 1pm today, went to the computer and writing this post. I'm on the computer, and watching this cartoon. "COURAGE THE COWARDLY DOG". haha. No matter how much i watch this cartoon, it still cracks me. (:

First blog (:
This is actually the very first time i blogged. I'M OFFICIALLY A BLOGGER!!! GIMMEEE SOME LOOOVE! hahaha.
I'm suppose to tell you guys what happened today, riiight?
As usual we would stay at school like any other days. And we would go to "ararin" to play DotA.
but while waiting for a friend of mine, Daie's ride came, and guess who was in the car.
It was fezz! Daie was likee "dude, back off man. you're embarassing me, my aunt's there man"
Azmy and me didnt want Daie yo get in trouble, sooo we didn't join him into the car. ahaha.
So we waved goodbye at Fezz and Daie, but the irritating thing was, THEY DIDN'T WAVE BACK!
We would walk from school to the CC, it wasnt really that far though, but we would sweat 'cus we would be walking at midday when the sun is directly above our heads.
But agaaiin, kalau it's above our head, we would know when zohor is! HAHA. apakan, like that would do any advantage to me. xP
We played until 4.30pm and walked back to the nearby post office, duduk-duduk sana la. The place was under renovation actually. Once, my friend and I went in there. And we completely trashed the place, ketchup all over, burnt indonesian underwear and we egged the place. It was wicked. HAHA. If i was able to take a picture of the place, I WOULD!
Esuknya we decided to go again, A couple of my mates we're outside, so it was just Tien and me. We went in, saw a Cellphone, wasn't fancy though, but the charger was good. Soooo, since Tien needed a charger, he took it. Then we heard a "CLANK". Like a metal ladder, I tought it was my friends outside, so i was like "baie kali kamu anii, terkajut jua ku tu". Then guess what??
It WASN'T my friends. it was those indonasians that worked there. JADI SPY BRO! hahaha.
I sprinted out, i didn't wanna go to the sungai akar childrens jail. HAHA, but my friend Tien, had a fat ass and couldn't run really fast. sooo, kana tangkap. HAHA. spoil kan!! The indonesian was nagging about a "hape". i didnt get what he was talking about, but Tien here, was a chinese. and he was like "lu jangan salah kan kami aa, baik lu bisai bisai mulut atu". I went "lu???" HAHA.
For a minute there, i thought he was chinese/indonesian. HAHAHA. But at the end, everything turned out as i expected. (: